Monthly Archives: June 2013

How do we know we’re hearing God’s Voice?

A sincere spiritually hungry pilgrim once asked, “How do I know I am really hearing the voice of Jesus, because I don’t want to miss him.”

Jesus said, those who are truly his will hear his voice and follow him. Could the affirmation of hearing manifest in the following? We can know we’ve heard his voice if we have acknowledged him as the Son of God, the Messiah, our Savior, Lord, and friend, when these once mere titles used to describe him woke us from our slumber and became life to our souls.

We know we’ve heard his voice when our cold, calloused, empty heart is filled with with joy, hope, peace, purpose, and love.

We know we’ve heard his voice when we would rather be in his word, in prayer, and in his presence than any other place or with any other person.

We know we have heard his voice when we choose to walk in the truth no matter the cost. When our hearts are grieved as darkness is deceitfully portrayed as light, when injustices are done, when innocence is lost.

We know we’ve heard his voice when we are willing to set aside our comforts to rescue the weak, needy, broken, and wounded, when we love the world’s less lovable and care for the abused and abandoned.

We know we have heard his voice when over flowing from us to others is genuine love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control,when we get lost in serving others.

His is the voice of relationship, not religion.
His is the voice of purpose, not wandering.
His is the voice of hope, not despair.
His is the voice of light and life, not darkness and death.
His is the only voice of purity, power, and permanence.
His is the voice of God.


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