Don’t Let Up

“Every day they were in the Temple and homes, teaching and preaching Christ Jesus, not letting up for a minute. During this time, as the disciples were increasing in numbers by leaps and bounds…” (Acts 5:42-6:1, The Message) There are a few really exciting things about this passage.

First they are the words of the disciples right after they were mistreated by the authorities, and the disciples were obviously not discouraged from continuing to tell people everywhere about who Jesus was, what He had done for them, and what He wanted to do for others.

Secondly, they were not just showing up once a week in the “big service” to share what was going on, but they were in homes also. In fact at this point they were at it every day. We probably need to be on point everyday too. I know we have to use wisdom and be discreet in school and on the job, but let’s be honest, there are plenty of windows we could be sharing about Jesus in some way.

Thirdly because it was real, because it was life changing, because people weren’t just moving from church to church every few months or years, the number of people having changed lives because of Christ was on the increase. No billboards, smoking stages, circus tricks, and slick marketing, just the genuine power of God’s love manifest through the work of Jesus and spilling out into the streets through those being affected by His grace and empowered by His Spirit.

It can happen again if we get the right focus!

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